Sunday, October 13, 2013

console colours on RedHat linux

or, how to turn them off. You need sudo or root:

chmod 000 /etc/profile.d/colorls.*

That's a global disable but honestly, dark blue text on black? It's been bugging me for years. RedHat-derived Linux has been shipping with the ls command aliased to /bin/ls --color=auto for an extremely long time though I don't remember anyone asking me about it.

Alternatively, if you want to customise this kind of thing, this article might be a good starting point.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Web Design: Responsive Image Sizes

Put this in your CSS:

img {
     max-width: 100%;
     height: auto;

- making sure it doesn't get overridden at some point in your more specific CSS classes.

This is a prime technique for sites that have some big feature image, usually on the front page that needs to be there when someone looks at it using a smart phone etc. The image will scale on nearly everything except IE8 - for which webdesignerwall offers a specific solution.

Friday, October 4, 2013

a development process for Max MSP or Max for Live

back on the Max jag again - I am building & re-building a small set of patchers to help me create music/soundtracks for some performance works I've been asked to help out with.

One of these - basically a sample-player which uses soundfile markers to determine playback - has been around since 2006 in various forms. I even wrote a helper app for it using Libsndfile, before Patrick Delges' sfmarkers-v0-4-1 object was around (or before I became aware of it's existence).

I think I just rewrote it for the seventh time - it's definately acting in a more consistent manner now. AIFF only - there just seem to be endless uncommon & weird problems getting markers out of WAV files. I also created an M4L version, which was instructive in the problems that embedding in an Ableton project solves (memorising specific setting per-instance of the patch) - and also the extra problems it brings up (access to presets & automation).

The need to move this patch/instrument between a few different Macs sent me off to finally look at version control for Max.

more on this in a minute...